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  • AI's World Tour: From the White House to your Dentist's Office 🤯

AI's World Tour: From the White House to your Dentist's Office 🤯

From UN's AI rendezvous to tooth tech surprises and Mortal Kombat mix-ups: it's not fiction, it's our AI reality. Buckle up! 🤖

Microscopes used to be those boring things from science class. Now? They're on the AI party guest list, scanning blood, snapping insta-worthy pics, and basically showing off. Prof. Brian Lovell, the cool geek behind it, just pushed microscopy from the 1800s into the 21st century. World's first? Check. Robots taking over lab jobs? Nah. Just making life a tad easier for us mere mortals.

🔍 Quick Glance
  • UN's big AI meet-up

  • AI at the dentist

  • China sets AI rules

  • AI: Hero or villain?

🌍 Global AI Pow-Wow! The United Nations Security Council is holding its first ever chat about AI in New York. The agenda? Pondering on how AI impacts global peace and all that jazz. The UK, wearing the UN Security Council president's hat this month, is pushing for a global chinwag on AI rules.

💀 Is AI our BFF or our Doom? While some say AI is just a misunderstood genius, Dan Hendrycks from CAIS thinks it might just end humanity. Scenario? Bad dudes getting their hands on AI, asking for bio-weapon recipes. Yikes!

🔬 Microscopes get Brainy in Queensland Microscopes in Queensland aren't like the boring ones from school. These are AI-powered, scanning blood with high-res photos and kinda showing off. Professor Brian Lovell's decade-long dream? Making these brainy microscopes the new normal.

🦷 AI + Dentists = Tooth Fairy 2.0? Dentistry's getting a techy upgrade. AI's making its way into how we chat with our tooth docs and could soon be deciding if you really need that root canal. Ouch or yay?

😅 Boss Not Ready for AI? Think your company's all set for the AI age? Think again! Your paycheck might just pay the price if your boss isn't on the AI train yet.

🤖🚫 China's AI Law Game China's taking a big leap, setting up new rules for generative AI (think ChatGPT). Starting August 15, AI's going to have some boundaries in the Middle Kingdom.

🎭 AI's Extinction Drama Huge debate alert! While AI's booming, there's a clash on whether it's the hero or villain of our story. Is the tech world's new darling a threat to our existence? Jury's out!

🚀 Tech Adoption: The Need for Speed TikTok did zero to 100m users in just a year, ChatGPT in 2 months, and Threads in just 5 days! As tech adoption speeds up, are we all turning a bit... Japanese in our tech habits?

🤓 Jargon Buster:

Generative AI: Heard of AI making art, music, or even writing? That's generative AI. It's like giving Picasso a computer brain. It can generate (hence the name) new content after being trained on tons of data. Not just a copycat, it brings its own flair!

🔢 By the Numbers

$140 million - That's the whopping amount the National Science Foundation's pouring into new National AI Research Institutes.

✍️ My AI Adventures:

So, I tried whipping up a scorpion image on Midjourney (as one does on a lazy afternoon). No matter how hard I tried, Midjourney seemed fixated on the Mortal Kombat vibes. 🎮 Every attempt? "Get over here!" And those rare moments it did think of an insect? Let's just say the next Aliens movie could have a new star. 🎥👾

❓ Quick Quiz:

Which of the following isn't a type of AI?

A) Generative AI
B) Reactive AI
C) Breakfast AI
D) Limited Memory AI
(Answer in tomorrow’s edition!)

🎨 ContraCode (NN’s own Comic)
🤔 Did You Know?

The term "robot" was first used in a 1920 play called "R.U.R." (Rossum’s Universal Robots) by Czech writer Karel Čapek. The word comes from the Czech "robota," which means "forced labor" or "drudgery." So, next time your AI assistant does a task for you, remember: its name has roots in doing the tough stuff!

🌌 Parting Thoughts:

AI's rocking our world, from global meetings at the UN to potentially deciding our dental woes. We're in the thick of a tech revolution, pals. But as we ride this wave, let's remember: it's not just about what AI can do, but what we do with AI.

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⚠️ Tiny, But Important, Disclaimer:
Hey there, awesome reader! Just a cheeky heads-up: parts of this newsletter got a sprinkle of magic from ChatGPT 4. Because why do all the heavy lifting when you've got techy sidekicks, right? 😉


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