Algo Bias: ChatGPT Leans Left 😬

AI's game in football, brewing beer, and eco-flying? Dive into a tech-driven world, one beat (and brew) at a time!

What's brewing? Welcome to Neural Notions, where AI insights are as aromatic as your favorite blend of coffee. β˜•

State of the Internet

πŸ” Quick Glance
  • Heartbeat Hero β€οΈπŸ€–

  • Brewing Bytes πŸΊπŸ’‘

  • Green Skies ✈️🌱

  • Age Algorithm πŸ”πŸ’‘

πŸ€– Arthur AI's recent report threw top AI models into the ring. Cohere's AI took the crown for "hallucinating" the most, while Meta's Llama 2 daydreamed more than OpenAI's GPT-4 and Anthropic's Claude 2. But in the math category? GPT-4 aced it, hallucinating 33%-50% less than its precursor, GPT-3.5. Always knew math kept us grounded! πŸ“šπŸ“

🏈 Fantasy football enthusiasts, meet your match! Gridiron AI is here to elevate your game with data-driven rankings. Founded in 2018, this platform tailors scores to your league's quirkiest rules and has recently flexed by outshining the popular 4for4 rankings. And for the price of your daily latte, you can snag premium insights at $5/month. Get statsy, folks!

❀️ Segueing from football to another heart-pounding topic, the heart itself. An innovative AI model, acting like the tech-savvy sibling of your stethoscope, is gaining attention. This model can pinpoint heart defects, specifically atrial septal defects (ASD) (hole between upper chambers), with a staggering 93.7% accuracy from ECG readouts. Why just "listen" when AI offers a deep dive?

🍺 Speaking of dives, how about a deep dive into your favorite drink? Over at Urban Forest Craft Brewing, AI is serving up some fun. The latest concoction is 'Put the AI in sAIson,' a beer recipe designed by a digital brain with a penchant for barley. Read all about this algorithmic ale and raise your glass to tech!

πŸš—πŸ’¨While you're toasting to technology, remember to keep an eye on the road! The UK is testing a new AI traffic cam that detected a jaw-dropping 300 violations in just 3 days. Future plans are on the down-low, but the buzz is undeniable. Let's hope this keeps us safer, even if it feels a tad '1984'.

✈️ From the road to the skies, the future of travel is looking eco-friendly. Google and American Airlines are harnessing the power of AI to tackle those pesky contrail emissions. With AI-driven flight paths, we might just be aiming for cleaner, greener horizons.

🐟 But AI's not just flying high; it's also making a splash underwater. The Wildlife Conservation Society's groundbreaking AI tool is revolutionizing African sustainability. By predicting fish stocks with 85% accuracy, it's transforming the way we approach marine conservation.

πŸ€– Switching gears a bit, did you hear the latest AI gossip? Word on the street is that ChatGPT has a political preference. A recent study found our digital pal showing a bit of a left-leaning dance move, possibly favoring Democrats and similar global parties. Dive into this political drama and decide for yourself!

πŸ” Lastly, feeling young? It might not just be your skincare. Scientists from Osaka Metropolitan University are changing the age game. Their AI can estimate your age from chest radiographs. If there's a gap between the AI's guess and reality, it could signal health concerns. Dive into the research and see what your X-ray reveals!

πŸ€“ Jargon Buster

Non-Parametric Model πŸ“Š: Models that don't have a fixed number of parameters. They're like free spirits, not bound by strict rules.

πŸ“Š By the Numbers

Google's SmartReply generates over 10% of emails on Android πŸ“²πŸ“§ Convenient auto-replies!

❓ Quiz of the Day

In supervised learning, the model is trained on labeled data. What does this mean?

A) The data has been tagged with the correct answers.
B) The data has been sorted into categories.
C) The data has been randomly shuffled.
D) The data has been anonymized.

Answer in tomorrow’s edition!

Yesterday’s answer: D. All of the above.

πŸ’» Comic Corner: Contracode
πŸ” Did You Know?

The Turing Test: Alan Turing, in 1950, proposed a benchmark for AI – if a machine can fool a human into thinking it's human, it's artificially intelligent.

🧠 Food For Thought

As AI integrates seamlessly into our sports, healthcare, beverages, transportation, and even political perceptions, one wonders: Are we shaping AI, or is AI reshaping our human experience? Reply with your insights; we're all ears!

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DJ Feedback's in the house! Spin us your thoughts and let's remix our service. πŸŽ§πŸŽ›

⛱️ Shade: Cooling you down with fresh news. Content's breeze? LLMs & bots. Final chill? Yours truly.


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