💀 Human Extinction by 2070!

From rogue AI scambots 🤖 to mind-reading music bots analyzing your brainwaves, 🧠 it's a wild ride.

The new AI tool FraudGPT helps scammers steal your data and is apparently "exclusively targeted for offensive purposes" - so creative and inspiring! 🙄 While this AI villain spreads like wildfire on the dark web, the heroic infosec researchers at Netenrich are racing to snuff out its shady dealings before your grandma 👵 wires her life savings to a Nigerian prince. But with AI advancing faster than online security, it seems the only surefire defense against getting catfished by a robo-scammer is to log off and shout your bank account details into the void like a loon. The future is here, baby!

🧐 Quick Glance
  • AI Doomsday? 😱

  • OpenAI Oops! 🤖📜

  • Brainwave Jams 🧠🎧

  • Raphael Revealed 🖼️

🗞️ Daily News Roundup

The doomsday clock just got moved up by Stanford researchers who claim runaway AI could wipe us out in 50 years. 😱 This cheerful study asserts that human extinction by 2070 is one of five "existential risks" we face unless AI is carefully regulated. But some experts say the report is alarmist, and AI still lacks basic reasoning skills. So maybe we'll survive the robo-apocalypse after all!

Google's latest AI invention reads people's brains! 🧠 Their new tool analyzes brain activity to recreate the music test subjects listened to. Trippy! 😵‍💫 It transforms brain scans into songs matching the genre and mood of the original tunes. Move over mind reading, brainwave jams are the future! 🎧

The rise of 🤖 generative AI like ChatGPT may shake up wealth management, but Morningstar says human advisors can chill. Their AI💼 will focus on cranking out more investment research, not managing portfolios. And clients still crave the "human connection" from advisors for financial planning. So bankers can keep collecting bonuses for now - AI can have the boring spreadsheet tasks. 📊

The AI robot wars are here! The US Navy is unleashing an armada of unmanned drone ships to patrol the high seas armed with sensors. 🤖⚓ And Ukraine is crowdsourcing kamikaze drone boats to sink the Russian navy! Judgement Day may not be far off when our machine overlords decide humans aren't needed for warfare. 🔫

Hollywood is freaking out about AI "replacing" actors by cloning them into CGI deepfakes. 🎬 But Joseph Gordon-Levitt says chill - let's pay the OG actors residuals when their work trains AI algorithms. JGL wants a slice of the AI profit pie for humans whose data is used, calling it "21st century labor rights." Respect. 👏 Pay the man, Hollywood! Don't let AI hoard all the cash.

Art experts used AI facial recognition to finally authenticate a mysterious 500 year old painting as an original Raphael masterpiece. 🖼️ Now the Renaissance portrait is going on public display for the first time ever in England, thrilling art historians. They say AI could revolutionize art authentication and uncover more long-lost Old Master paintings. Move over Mona Lisa, Raphael's latest unmatched beauty is ready for her closeup!

Google has an AI writing assistant named Genesis that can summarize news and autogenerate articles, fueling fears that robots are coming for journalists' jobs. 📰 The New York Times and Washington Post got demos of Genesis, which Google claims "augments, not replaces" human writers. But some editors are worried Google takes human effort for granted as AI encroaches on scribes' turf. Will Genesis signal judgement day for journalism, or can humans coexist with robot writers?

Looks like even AI wizkids OpenAI can't get their algorithms right. OpenAI benched its tool for detecting AI-written text, admitting it was inaccurate at spotting robo-content. 🤖📜 Back to the drawing board! Turns out distinguishing human vs. computer writing ain't so easy. So we'll have to keep guessing if those snazzy essays are human-penned or AI-generated a little while longer. What a cliffhanger! 😬

📚 Jargon Buster

TensorFlow 🌀: This is Google's fancy toolkit for training computers. Imagine a gym, but instead of weights and treadmills, there are algorithms and data. Computers use TensorFlow to get fit, smart, and ready to tackle your questions.

🔢 By the Numbers

The global AI market will be worth $1.4 trillion by 2029 📈 That's over 15x its value of $93.5 billion in 2022! source

🚀 My AI Adventures

The first time I stumbled upon AI

Flashback to 2007 at Oklahoma State U: I tripped (not literally) over AI during my Master's. Took this wild business course called "Data Mining" (no hard hats needed) and bam! 💥 First date with Neural Networks. Thought I was vibing with Industrial Engineering, but nope, this fling with Data Analytics and Science became the real deal. 🕺💡📊

❓ Quick Quiz

Who is considered the "father of artificial intelligence"?

A) Steve Jobs
B) Alan Turing
C) Mark Zuckerberg
D) Bill Gates

(Answer in tomorrow’s edition)

Yesterday’s answer: Go

🎨 ContraCode (NN’s own Comic)
🤔 Did You Know?

Chabots have been around since the 1960s! The first chatbot, named ELIZA, was created at MIT and could mimic the behavior of a Rogerian psychotherapist.

🌟 Parting Thoughts

Today showed the thrilling potential of AI but also its limitations. As rapid advances create opportunities, ethical challenges remain. But with care, wisdom and open communication, society can steer this technology to benefit all. The path ahead requires constantly balancing innovation with caution. If we work together, AI can unlock humanity's highest ideals. ⚖️

📜 Disclaimer 

Today’s snazzy newsletter was crafted by Claude2, Anthropic's shiny new AI sidekick, GPT4, and Bard. But don't fret, a real, live, coffee-chugging human 👨🏻‍💻 made sure it's all legit before it hit your inbox.


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