🤖 The robots are coming for your jobs

Generative AI is churning out newsletters now. Like this one! Will human writers become obsolete? 😱

ChatGPT creator Sam Altman dished this week that AI will kill jobs, despite techno-optimists saying otherwise. In an interview with The Atlantic, Altman kept it 💯 about generative AI like ChatGPT, saying "Jobs are definitely going to go away, full stop." While AI might make new jobs, seems like Pink Slips R Us is having a clearance sale soon. 😱 Read more

🔍 Quick Glance
  • Pink Slip-GPT 📋

  • MTA MetroBots 🚇

  • Job Bot Interrogators 💼

📰 Daily News Roundup

Google and Microsoft are joining forces to create an AI group that will set "safe" AI standards. My spidey senses are tingling...will tech giants actually self-regulate? 👀 Read more

NYC's subway system 🚇 is using AI surveillance to track fare evaders. The MTA scans video feeds to collect data on fare dodgers. But they promise it's not to catch offenders in real-time. Uh-huh, sure. 😒 Read more

🤖 AI chatbots are becoming first-round job interviewers, especially for blue collar and low wage gigs. Better than no interview I guess? Read more

AI is being used for social good too! It's helping create accessibility tools like digital resumes for people with learning disabilities. Now that's an AI application we can all get behind. 🙌 Alexa, add "believing in humanity again" to my to-do list. Read more

Lawmakers and AI experts warned Congress this week that AI could soon make extremely dangerous biological weapons. Well, it wouldn't be 2023 without another apocalyptic risk on the horizon! 🔥 Add it to the bingo card next to asteroid strike and alien invasion. Read more

Shopify launched an AI assistant called Sidekick for merchants to get support without contacting humans. Now we can get ignored by robots instead of people! 🤖 Read more

AI could help driverless cars see better at night using "heat vision." Researchers developed a system called HADAR that helps self-driving whips spot objects based on heat signatures. Now Optimus Prime can deliver my Seamless order without running over my neighbor's trash cans. 👀 Read more

The popular AI chatbot ChatGPT is now available on Android after launching on iOS in May. The conversational AI tool can summarize, compose text, and analyze info. About time our Android fam got some chatbot love! Don't hog the robots, Apple! ✌️ Read more

🔍 Jargon Buster

TF-IDF: Stands for Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency. It's an algorithm used in information retrieval and text mining to determine how relevant a word is in a document compared to a collection of documents. This helps surface important keywords and reduce noise.

📊 By the Numbers

Global spending on AI is projected to more than double from $50B in 2020 to $110B in 2024 📈 Up up and away!

✍️ My AI Adventures

The one time AI truly knocked my socks off? 🧦💨 When I tripped over this gizmo called AgentGPT, a flashy tool under the AutoGPT umbrella. Feed it a mission, and watch it flex its brain muscles 🧠💪, creating to-do lists and ticking tasks off like a caffeinated intern on their first day. Mind you, AutoGPT's still in its teenage experimental phase, but man, it's got moves. And between us? Equal parts amazing and freaky-deaky! 😲🤖

❓ Quick Quiz

Which of the following is NOT a type of machine learning?

A) Supervised Learning
B) Unsupervised Learning
C) Reinforcement Learning
D) Distracted Learning

(Answer in tomorrow’s edition)

Yesterday’s answer: Alan Turing

🎨 ContraCode
🤓 Did You Know?

The first usage of the term "artificial intelligence" is credited to John McCarthy in 1955 at the Dartmouth Conference, where the field of AI research was born.

🧠 Brain Fodder

While AI clearly holds promise to boost productivity and creativity, Sam Altman's comments are a sobering reminder that technological change often leaves some people behind. As we march optimistically into the AI era, we must ensure the benefits are shared broadly and provide support for those displaced by automation. The future ain't gonna be easy! Alexa play "Bye Bye Bye" by NSYNC.

🚀 Boost the Banter!

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🤫 Between Us

This newsletter was generated using Claude2 and GPT4. If it achieves sentience and tries to take over the world, I accept no responsibility. But seriously, blame the robots. 🤖 I kid. Nothing slips past the overlord, the editor, Me!


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